here are some facts i have realized and have proven these myths. I used wikipedia and used googles information to help me prove that some of these myths are myths and not proven fact what so eveer.
Myth- Smoking is not a problem.
Fact- in reality smoking is a drug problem, smoking is an addictive habit with nicotine but that’s not the drug. The drug is robacco,the nicotine and tobacoo addiction have also been compared to crack cocaine,heroin. Drugs have many addictions and symptoms with these symptoms are yellow nails, rotting teeth, smelling of the clothes sking and bad eye vision.
Myth- only adults smoke cigaretts
fact- in all actuallity the average age a person starts smoking is the age of 13. the average person beigins with using and absorbing smokeless/ spit/chewing tobacco through the ages of 12-25 years. Most new tobacco smokers are children or young teens not adults even during the early adult years most people quit using all tobacco entirley it may be difficut to quit but it is completly possible to do.
myth- once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying to quit using. the damage is done.
Fact- you are addicted to tobacco but you can quit it isnt impossible. when people quit smoking/dipping the body immediatly starts repairing its self within less than a second in a complete instant. Blood pressure and pulse rates go back to normal range around 20 minutes, so the body isnt back to normal in a second but thats when it starts repairing itself for going back to normal range in about 20 minutes.
Myth-Smoking helps my body relax
Fact- nicotine is a stimulant and it speeds your body up not slows it down and makes you feel more relaxed, plus no other drug keeps a person as busy as smoking does.for example in one day some people smoke up to two packs a day with 2 or more intervles to step outside light up and smoke another cancer stick. in 1 week an average heavy smoker uses about 14 boxes in a week and if there’s 25 smokes in one pack that’s 335 in 1 week.
Myth- smoking will help me lose weight as a supliment
Fact_ for new smokers and non new smokers you will gain approximitly 1/3 of weight gain so in this reality it doesnt hep you lose any weight at all it makes you do the complete opposite,when it comes to weight loss it would be a much more reasonable deccision to head to a gym, go out on a hike, or starting a diet. most people smoke on schedule so after they eat they take a smoke or before they eat they take a smoke which actually speeds up yuor heart rate causing you to be abnormaly hungry. In the mid 1900’s tobacco would start using sexual attraction and sex apeal not only to draw in men but the women to, they used this to have the body image all females wanted at the time. So lot’s of the tobacco companys such as marlboro started making a new kind of cigarette called “lights” or “slims” which are which most of the women did because the advertisement showed the women to be skinny and smoking ” slims”